
Posts Tagged ‘family of origin’

better than I ever did / looking like a new survivor
feeling like a little kid
I’m still standing / after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without  you on my mind

– Elton John “I’m Still Standing”

I had a conversation with my dad a few days ago that was haaaaaaard. I was honest, he was open, it was good. It was scary. I went out on a limb and said something difficult and he took it in, sat for a moment and then responded, “Man, it’s bloody out here.” So, he’s thinking and I haven’t heard from him much since. He has stayed in touch to let me know that we’re not on the outs, but he’s needing some time to reflect and think, and I miss him.

Herself sent me an email last night that was two entire solid pages once printed out, and then another follow-up email addendum. I’ve been trying to come up with descriptors for the letter, and the best I can do is hateful. It was really awful. I have been staying in touch, keeping our communications limited to safe topics for me, but including personal information in order to stay connected. I’ve chatted about my days a little, what’s been going on, addressed a few of her concerns, and I also called a few days ago to chat.  So, I’ve tried my best, in the way I know how right now, to stay in touch.

After this, I just don’t know what I want or need to do about communicating with her. The Caddy is sticking around, taking care of the kids, but angry and shut down, scared and judgmental, my dad has done his fading game that he does sometimes, and my mom is just loony tunes, apparently. And all I can do is sit here and take care of myself.

Merry fucking Christmas.

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Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of.  You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.

– Amy Li

What a wonderful weekend visit with my sister, and my nephew and my brother-in-law. It was just beyond words fantastic. I don’t know how to shake these people, my friends and family – I have a breakdown and have to live in a psychiatric hospital and they INSIST on continuing to stay in touch with me. I’m so blessed.

Snuggling up my baby Charlie 5-week-old nephew was amazing, he’s gorgeous and sweet and smiley and wonderful. What a sweet, small reminder of how life can begin again and again. Thank you, sister dear.

And my three love to quote this viral video when we talk about their only and special cousin:

Charlie Bit Me!

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Looking up and down this road
I’ve been here before
Can’t be here no more

-Jackson Browne “I’m Alive”

I did it. I made it through the phone call. No lightning came through the phone and struck me dead. No earthquake shook the ground and broke it apart and swallowed me whole. I’m dealing with a lot of anger, grief, and a whole bunch of disbelief that I’m a 35-year-old woman who’s afraid of her mommy.

Of course, the call did not please Herself, so she spent last night acting out in email, on Facebook, and blowing up my dad’s phone during my first outing away from the unit. I was sad to be unable to connect with him, he was distant and seemed unhappy, probably due to anxiety from my mother’s constant texts and a brief phone call. I wish he could have put that aside and spent his time with me. Jeannie, the social worker/family therapist who led and mediated the phone call, after it was over, looked at me and said, with quite a bit of feeling and containment, “Well, I’ll just say this. I understand now.” That was quite a validation.

My dear sister, who is among my bestest friends, is coming into town to see me with her dear precious newborn baby and my brother-in-law signed on to be chauffeur, baby toter, friend and packhorse along with them, so I am absolutely thrilled and looking forward to spending time with them. Our relationship is already expanding and strengthening and I am filled with joy and discovering new depths to which we may reach as we grow and learn together.

A truly happy Friday.

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As one can imagine, taking photographs is strictly verboten around this joint. There may or may not have been a few snapped by The Caddy when the kiddos were here this last weekend, and I’ve used those to look at on my desk and remember their visit here and feel close to them when I’m so lonely for them.

When my parents were here last weekend, my mother took a few photos of me in the outside gazebo (where I have suddenly taken up smoking, apparently), with her face mashed into mine, in varying poses. Yesterday, I received an influx of messages in my email, and was able to quickly check my text messages – under, of course, the watchful eye of a minder, to make sure I didn’t drink it, or something – and had also received a veritable flood of concerned texts from friends. Jenny (hi Jenny!) called to enlighten me as to the source of the concern.

For an unknown reason, my mother posted the photo of she and me with mashed faces on her Facebook profile. The caption reads something close to, “I hope [my daughter] knows how much I loved her and what a difference she made to me. I REALLY hope it matters to her and that she knows somehow how much she taught me about how to love.” Or something. Apparently, I’m dead. She also, directly adjacent, posted a photo of her and Two, and captioned it, “My Two”.

So, after about 18 hours of consideration, discussion and reflection, I am ready to confront her about the photo and the post. I am currently in deliberation about the best way – for ME – to do it. Email? Phone? (*eeeeeeeek!!!!*), what am I trying to convey? What is my point? What do I want to accomplish? Oh dear Lord, I am terrified, but I am also angry, and pushing past the fear to reclaim my boundaries.

Trust me when I say I will update you.


I spoke with our family therapist point person, and I have put in an email to the mother, asking if she’s free for a (refereed) phone call tomorrow at 4 pm. I already have stomach issues. I can do this. It won’t kill me. I can do this.

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O hai, Mom!

We have a readmission. A woman who went home a few weeks ago, and checked back in yesterday. Something about depression and suicide. Forgive me if I sound dismissive, I just left a group psychotherapy meeting with her and my other “team members” in which she alternately attempted to counsel everyone, gauge everyone’s emotions, “take the temperature of the room” and when other group members healthily voiced their concerns about her statements, became victimized and spent the rest of the group sobbing intrusively (but quietly, being the victim, yanno), and declaring that “Brandy had been attacking her from Day One!”

Really? REALLY?

So, you know that my relationship with my perpetually victimized and therapeutically driven mother is a trigger for my anxiety and myriad other crazies, and yet you put Jen in my group? Thanks.

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I keep waiting for time to give me more words, but I don’t know if that will happen. I have been so blessed to be able to stay home with my babies. From the time I was a wee girl, people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grow up, and I would answer, “A teacher, an artist, a dancer, a mommy.” When I was older, “A Shamu whale rider, a mommy.” Older still, “A physician, a mommy,” and then my sister went to medical school and I was all, fuck that, and my answer crystallized into, “A mommy.” I loved kids from the time I was old enough to be older than another child in the room. I began babysitting at the earliest age allowed, and loved every second. I thought I was ripping the parents right off, that they were paying me to hang out with their cute kids and play and take care of them and sing and dance and party every day.

I was never devoid of ambition, there was always a shrill, anxiety-provoking voice in the back of my head proclaiming that Smart Girls had to go on to become Career Women who carried a briefcase and dressed in Career Clothes. I graduated college and did that for a week. I was miserable and cried every day. I quit on Friday, and went back to my job working with underserved youth and their families. I wanted to take them all home every day and night.

When I found out I was pregnant, I was terrified. Exhilarated, joyful, terrified, unprepared. I hadn’t quite planned it that way. We’d just moved from our home state to Phoenix for the Caddy’s job, and I had left my family, my friends since childhood, my home, my beloved job and kids, and here I was, knocked up. OMG. Why the face? And then, a baby, a move back to our home state, another baby, ANOTHER baby (yes, we figured out where they come from – and also, I’ve NEVER heard that joke before, EVER!), and I got to roll around with them in the dirt, go on leisurely walks, climb and run and nap and make lunch all I wanted. I could eat them up all day long.

But something changed a while back, and we’ve been living in this turmoil that seems to have begun as a slight disturbance and is now a full-fledged storm. It seems that the Caddy is feeling put upon. Life doesn’t feel fair to him. And it certainly isn’t. He works a tripleleventy hour week, and when he’s home, he always has reports to get out, reviews to do, texts to return, emails to manage, fire drills to which to respond, and life is a lot different than when we were dating and discovered over penne that we both wanted our future and hypothetical children to have a stay-at-home-parent full time until some nebulous time.  So, the Caddy wants things to be more equitable, I think.  I’m not completely sure, because while control issues and unfairness have been running themes of discord in our almost-nine-year marriage, no matter what changes, he is still unhappy.

A year ago, we almost separated. As in, he had a move-out date of Friday, it was Wednesday, we’d told the kids, and the only reason he didn’t leave the house on Friday is because my/his/our counselor/psychiatrist asked me if I would be willing to change the plans while he (Dr. Wunderbar, that is, not the Caddy), intervened and saw us for counseling once monthly and that we also see a new, highly specialized psychotherapist together, weekly.


So we did, and things improved. I’m a good student, I like to please people and do what they say. Not always a good thing. Anyway, I read the books and I did the homework and I threw everything into it, because why not? If I was going to try again, I was going to TRY AGAIN IN THE HARDEST WAY I COULD ALRIGHT? ALRIGHT. We went weekly for like, two weeks. And then work got rully, rully busy and I threw down some ultimatums, and there were other things that happened, and we kinda saw Dr. Wundy monthlyish, and we were doing okay and hanging in there and sometimes enjoying each other and then BAM. Six months ago, here we are again. In the fucking ditch.

So, I went shopping.

And he was pissed. Like, piiiiiiiiiiissed. Finances are a fraught thing in our home, as in many couples’ houses, and oh, was it ever a defining moment. I don’t think he spoke to me for 8 days. Eight days of the cold shoulder routine. He would respond when I initiated a conversation, with the cold, abrupt and terse syllables that accompany the Ice Caddy routine. Brrrrrrr. Then he said that he was done “paying for me”. Finished letting me “walk all over” him. And he was going to “have to do whatever [he] had to do.” When I asked him what the hell that meant, he wouldn’t tell me. I asked him outright if he was going to cancel my debit card, take me off our account. After all this work I’d put into getting access to it.  He refused to answer.  But he can repeat multiple times daily, “I’m sick of getting run over.”

Two days later, he answered by canceling the one credit card that I had access to, maintaining a few cards of his own, without apology or explanation and resumed texting me about my purchases through the debit card (which is still in my possession, thankfully).

So, I’m looking for a job today. All I have to know is what’s going to happen today. Today, I’m looking for a job, facing the idea of leaving behind the days of snuggling sweet baby skin, walking into dealing with a toddler who is desperate for me when I leave, and who screams almost unendingly when I’m gone unless he’s with a loved one. And a preschooler who won’t repeat himself when he’s not understood, and is okay with people but only lets some people into his most trusted circle, and those people are his for life. Who insists on walking me to the door every time I leave and giving me a very important “special” to take with me “to ‘member me” when I’m gone. And a six-year-old who thinks that everything is his fault and that everything that’s bad that happens will make him die and has intrusive thoughts and anxiety.

Oh my God, I’m so sad.

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since you looked at me/cocked your head to the side and said I’m angry
five days since you laughed at me saying/get that together come back and see me
three days since the living room/I realized it’s all my fault but couldn’t tell you
yesterday you’d forgiven me/but it’ll still be two days ’til I say I’m sorry

-Barenaked Ladies “One Week”

I feel like I lost a piece of me tonight. Well, lost implies a passive sort of falling by the wayside. Perhaps it was wrenched away? I sort of wandered into it, not even knowing I was about to have A Moment.

I went to visit my sister this weekend, and spent the night sans bebes, and right before I left, Golf Caddy and I had a scuffle about something super important. He pouted, said something calculated and personal, and I exited the conversation and told him to go on with his bad self. He went on with his bad self, I finished packing, and he returned just as I was ready to leave. We exchanged goodbyes, and I heard nothing from him for 48 hours.

It’s important to me, after growing up in a chaotic household, where Mom slung bitter jabs and Dad floated in and out like mist, seething silently, his jaw set, to treat each other with dignity and the respect that human beings deserve, no matter our issues at the moment. I am growing and learning and trying to do that, and I am stuck feeling that The Caddy isn’t interested in getting past the cold shoulder-dead to me routine when he is offended.

So I returned from my mini-vacay (yay!) and there is a lighter mood about the house. One of my life-long goals is to not allow my mood to be set by those around me, and so I work hard to not be relieved that he’s not sulking or upset that he’s having a dead-to-me moment. So, I just was. And then yesterday, he texted me about a purchase I made while in Austin. I knew it was coming, I dropped some major green (for us) on some gifts for my sister. Half of it’s getting reimbursed from various relatives, but it’s a mint, I tell you. A MINT! I apparently walked into the doors of this baby boutique in Austin and thought I was a Real Housewife of Travis County, laying down the bling.

I got this for my brother-in-law (well, for the baby) since he loves Texas music, and this but with feet and these swaddling blankets that I’m actually considering having another baby just to put in them (NOT REALLY I’D RATHER DIE), and this precious lovey that I’ve received as a gift at a baby shower before, and the list just. keeps. going. The worst part was the there were things there that I had to have for mine. Two HAD TO HAVE this blanket, he’s my one that “nuggles” and loves to “nuggle” his loveys. And I’ve been defeated at every turn by Matchbox cars in the bathtub, have tried every mesh hanging bag out there and saw the answer to my prayers (yeah, so what if I pray for a toy organizer for my bathtub?) with this amazing Boon organizer.  The boys already love, love it and clean up their toys and I want to marry it. I picked up a bunch of wee clothes from tea and Imps&Elfs for Three, and I grabbed One Where the Wild Things Are, which is actually becoming property of Two – the Wild Thing Extraordinare, and some See Kai Run shoes on sale and oh the list goes on.

So, a mint.

And I stay home. I mean, I have a small business that I run from here, but it’s still a SMALL business. A wee business. A microscopic business that you need a magnifying glass to see. In other words, he makes the money. And we have an issue with that. Well, I don’t, he does. And when he saw the checking account, whoo boy. It’s been interesting. So, regardless of who’s right, who’s wrong, here we are.

And instead of talking to me, I’m getting the icy frozen tundra. Apart from a very brief greeting when we passed each other in the hallway Monday night, it’s been almost 6 days since we have spoken civilly. And I’m not okay with that. As usual, I broached the discussion with him, and he was hard and cold. And in my monologing, I realized something.

Well, I realize right now that I have to go to bed, and since nobody is reading this shit but me (and maybe Jenny – hi Jenny!), then I can pick this up tomorrow.

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